We are your
Culture Enrichment Partner

Helping you create a Culture of Connection where
everyone leads, trust is built, and great goals are achieved.
A group photo of the Thumb Bump and MyBrandPromo team doing thumb bumps.
Our Why

Culture Matters in People's Lives

We believe that culture should catalyze people’s growth into their full potential. Our motto is: I need to grow ME to be a better WE; I need a better WE to grow ME.

Transform Your Vision into Reality

Through clarifying a vision of greatness, core values, and ongoing stakeholder communication and engagement processes.
A person standing on a hill overlooking a sunset.
A group of coworkers smiling at camera.

Create Positive Connections

Through culture challenges where everyone learns how gratitude, trusted partnership and emotional mastery are the powerhouses for connection, possibility, and the pursuit of great dreams and goals.

Grow Leaders Everywhere

Through culture challenges that equip everyone to lead by living up to values while working together collaboratively to achieve great goals.
Plants beginning to grow.
"We shape our culture and thereafter it shapes us."
Winston Churchill
A person at a booth table out a flyer with charts.

Better Culture. Better Business. Better Lives.

A 2022 gallup study shows only 32% of U.S. employees are engaged. In contrast, companies that focus on culture and values achieve 70% employee engagement and retention.

A landmark 11-year study conducted at Harvard Business School studied 12 firms that created a culture of leaders. These “culture of leaders” firms outperformed the 20 transactional firms by as much as 755% greater net income growth over a 11-year period.

We partner with you to put into place culture development strategies proven to drive Better Culture, Better Business, Better Lives.


Science Made Practical

It is not what we know that matters. It is what we master in thought and behavior that makes the difference for sustainable behavior change.

We have done the heavy lifting of reading the research and translating it into powerful learning summaries and practices that people can apply to their work and their lives. We have summarized them into 52 Science & Wisdom-Based Practices.

"It’s not what we think, feel and do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we think, feel and do consistently." – Adapted from Tony Robbins

A row of bookshelves at a library.
A globe with a Thumb Bump! surrounded by text 'It's All Good-ify the World', 'It Starts with Me and Then its We!'
Our Story

The Thumb Bump!® Story

Welcome to the Thumb Bump!® family. We are believers in the power of positive culture in families, workplaces, schools, churches, sports teams … wherever people come together.

It’s All Good!® and the Thumb Bump!® were born in our sister company, MyBrand. Our cultural motto of “It’s All Good!®” is a deeply ingrained attitude that strives to find goodness and possibility in absolutely everyone and everything. We strive to bring It’s All Good!® Spirit & Energy into all relationships with many Thumb Bump!® connections each day.


It’s All Good-ify the World

We seek to It’s All Good-ify the World through cultures of connection alive with...

  • It’s All Good!® Spirit & Energy
  • Gratitude
  • Genuine Relationship
  • Achieving Dreams & Goals
  • Everyone Growing
  • Having Fun & Laughing a Lot

Our motto is: I need to grow ME to be a better WE. I need a better WE to grow ME.

We are sharing a growing collection of resources to help you grow a Culture of Connection around you.

The Thumb Bump® logo with the text ME and WE around it.
Contact Us

Get in touch

Please reach out to hello@thumbbump.com